
October 26, 2019: Planting Work Party

Thanks to the 15 friends and neighbors who helped with plantings Saturday morning, Oct 26 along the stream off the main kiosk on Wembley.

A family from Lake Oswego Presbyterian Church and a couple visiting from New Mexico were part of the planting effort. Thanks to Tom Bland and the LO Watershed Council for your organization.

This entry was posted on October 26, 2019, in 2019.

October 11, 2019: Community Service Day

Community Service Day is a Lake Oswego Junior High annual tradition of giving, learning, and building community. It takes place every October on a state-wide Professional Day when there is no school. Every year, nearly 200 students and 40 adult chaperones volunteer opportunities at a variety of organizations including Springbrook Park.
Sixteen students, a few parents and teachers from LO Junior High and Lakeridge Junior High pulled Ivy and Herb Robert in Springbrook Park. A wonderful sunny day. Thanks to Ginny Haines for managing .the event.
Thanks everyone!
This entry was posted on October 11, 2019, in 2019.

Sept 17 & Oct 4, 2019: Preschool Walk


Great Preschool Walk on Friday, September 27, with lots of little ones and adults. And special thanks to four new ladies who volunteered to learn how to lead preschool walks. Great to have them.

Over two dozen children went on nature walks in Springbrook Park Friday morning Oct 4. They found slugs, worms, ferns and much more. Special thanks to the leaders who gave so much to the children. So wonderful to see a child afraid to engage and then touch a slug and want more. We will have more walks in the Spring.


This entry was posted on October 4, 2019, in 2019.

August 27, 2019: LOHS Cross Country Team Rebuilds Pathways in Springbrook Park

On Tuesday afternoon about 50 high school students, on their first day back to school, spent a couple of hours repairing trails in Springbrook Park.

Special thanks to Vince Kinney and the other coaches for their time and energy. The young women and men on the Cross Country team moved about five tons of gravel in a couple of hours and did an amazing job.

They use the park often for running so they wanted to upgrade the surfaces. Thanks to Eric and Kyle from Parks for setting this all up. Thank you all so much.

This entry was posted on August 28, 2019, in 2019.

August 20, 2019: Dedication Ceremony for Jan Burt’s Bench

Thanks to Ivan Anderholm, Parks Director, for dedicating Jan Burt’s bench today. Bill Burt, son of Cal and Jan Burt, attended and was moved for the dedication and service of his parents. Bill helped his Mom gather signatures back in the early 1970’s to save the park from development. Jan was very active with Lou Beck and Ann Redden in doing a door-to-door campaign to save the park area from development. Their ballot measure was voted yes by over 80% of residents to acquire the acreage in the 70’s. That’s why we have our 52 acre urban forest – Springbrook Park.

Thanks to Pearson’s Art Gallery for the fine workmanship.

The bench is located in the new outdoor nature area with log stumps, located near end of Mahonia trail from the Uplands entrance kiosk. This is just off the corner of Uplands playground.



This entry was posted on August 20, 2019, in 2019.

April 20, 2019 Work Party: Children’s Play Area

A Volunteer Work Party on Saturday, April 20, 9-11 AM helped clean up a new dedicated area for outdoor play.

A Boy Scout has created the place with stumps to jump on and more. We cleaned up the adjacent area of sticks, weeds, and a bit of ivy.

Thank you to 30 neighbors and teens from Youth Action Council who cleaned up our new outdoor nature area. They moved lots of bark chips and removed Ivy and Herb Robert. Great time to also celebrate Earth Day. Thanks again to everyone.

April 4 and 12, 2019 Preschool Walks

Great Preschool Walks Thursday morning April 4 in Springbrook Park. Eager learners and happy parents. We had wonderful weather too!

Then Friday, April 12, there were two more preschool walks in Springbrook Park. LO Arts Preschool was early with 34 children. At 10:30 the public one attracted another 32 children. The children learned about leaves, worms, birds, and much more. Special thanks to our leaders Sue, Anne, Laura, Melissa,  Babs for inspiring the children and their parents.

March 23, 2019 – Mulching New Ferns

Thank you to the 20 neighbors who mulched the 250 ferns plants this Saturday that were planted in February. This will help the ferns survive as the weather warms.

Thanks to Ginny Haines for managing the project.

This entry was posted on March 24, 2019, in 2019.

Feb 16, 2019 – 250 Sword Ferns Planted in Springbrook Park

Over 20 neighbors and friends planted 250 Sword Ferns in Springbrook Park Saturday morning. The native ferns were planted in an hour and a half. The rain waited until we were done.

Thanks to all the families and their children who worked so hard for this occasion. Special thanks to Tom Bland for managing this project with our Parks folks, and to Laura Tanz and Anne Lider from our board for their efforts.